Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Power Career

5 Quick Tips on Dominating Your Career Like These Power Chics

Kimora Lee
 (Fashion Mogul)
Lisa Price
(CEO & Founder of Carol's Daughter)
Sylvia Rhone
(The first black woman to head a major record company and one of the most influential woman in the music industry)
Quick Tips
1.Put your career plan in writing. Sit yourself down and write a 5 year plan for your career (positions you want to attain, or things you want to become better versed in etc). Everyday take an action that moves you along in your plan. This will help you make more strategic decisions at work

2. Evaluate whether or not your current position is a strategic learning experience or a road block. For example if your goal is to work in creative marketing a strategic start may be in marketing finance. This will enable you to think out of both sides of you brain especially in a world where dollars and profit are always the bottom line. Nothing is more powerful than having various dimensions of knowledge.

3. Know the key people in your industry. What were their career paths? Are there any commonalities that you may be missing (i.e. a year or two of experience in customer relations)? Besides what if you run into the VP of the Division your trying to cross over to in Starbucks???

4. Observe companies that are moving and shaking in your industry. You always want to keep a list of prospect employers up to date so if an opportunity arises you can quickly and accurately decide if an offer is worth a move or a change.

5. Speak up! Don’t be bashful about your career aspirations. Speaking up is also a great way to see who your allies and enemies are in the workplace (who encourages you or discourages you). Your manager will either help you get to where you want to be or not, you should be prepared to deal with both instances.

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