Thursday, October 14, 2010

Girl Talk; Is He Power Chic Worthy

10 Signs He May NOT be Power Chic Worthy

1. He lives anywhere but in his OWN place. Ladies trust me if he can't handle his own household he most certainly can't handle a strong, intelligent ,self sufficient woman.

2. He has a specific age he wants to get married (that’s 5+ years from now). Real mature men know classy genuine women are rare and whenever he finds one he likes he won't hesitate to put a ring on it.

3. He has a "situation". Men only say this when telling the complete truth will reveal how doggish they really are so they use this vague term. The only men Power Chic worthy are COMPLETELY single prior to the 2 of you meeting.

4. He has no passion. A man who is only passionate about his penis is NOT the guy you want. Passion drives us to grow and always be ready to take things to the next level. Just think what your own life would be like with no passion.

5. He sends you a picture of his package within the first week of meeting you. This is getting common however if a guy does this he is simply trying to turn you into a cut buddy. If he wanted something serious he'd be way too scared of freaking you out to send you a pic of his Johnson that soon.

6. When explaining why his last relationship didn't work out he says "she was crazy". This simply means his ex used some questionable methods to prove he was cheating and he was in fact cheating.

7. He tells you that you're picky or demanding. Ladies this means you've set a standard and he knows he can't hang. Let a "simple bitch" (Nicki Minaj's words) come snatch him up; he is not Power Chic worthy.

8. He brags about how many women are attracted to or have approached him. This is a huge indicator of insecurity. Any guy who does this feels you are out of his league and he has to prove to you he is desirable. Ladies this is not sexy.

9. He doesn't ask you any questions about yourself. The best way to find out more about something or someone is to ask questions. If a guy has nothing to ask you he feels he knows everything he needs to know to get where he wants to go with you. How can that be? Power Chics are multi-dimensional.

10. He says "I’m not looking for a relationship". When he says this believe him and run don't walk in the other direction. Even if he gives in and begins a relationship with you when he's ready to run (and he will be) he will throw in your face "I told you I didn't want a relationship".

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