Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fitness Matters

Take a look at these bangers and grab some tips on setting your own fitness plan! I promise one activity on this list will grab you.

Your Turn: Tone up, shape up lose weight get healthy. Whatever it takes to bring out your inner Banger;-)
Foods to Eat:
Fish,Chicken Breast (you can cook it 1,000 ways other than fried),Spinach,Fruit (pineapple is great for belly fat!)
Things to drink:
WATER!!!!!! 60oz. and up (per day) and starting in 2 weeks you will notice a change in your skin ,body ,and hair!!!! Lemon Water (helps flush out toxins and improves digestion), Green Tea (one word; Metabolism) ,Milk (great post workout drink)
What to do:
Running (30 mins a day 3-4 times per week): Running is an awesome and effective way to improve your health, build endurance, and reduce stress. Grab your Ipod and hit the pavement!
Dancing (30 mins a day 3-4 times per week): No gym nearby? Hate running? Like privacy? Create a 9-12 song playlist and dance like you did in your bedroom when you were 10. By song number 4 you will be sweating.
Pole Dancing (45mins-1hr. 3-4 times per week) this in addition to running is my personal way of staying in shape. Pole dancing works muscles we hardly use. It shapes you in all those trouble areas that especially stick out it strapless dresses, low cut jeans and bikinis. Added Bonus: pole dancing will bring out the sensuality in you like nothing else. You won't believe how much of your sexy you've been hiding away.
Kickboxing (1hr. 3 times per week) Blast fat and learn a few self defense tricks by enrolling in a class or grabbing a dvd (only if you have the discipline of an ancient warrior otherwise take a class)
For FREE workouts, eating tips ,and other ideas on upgrading your physical banger status visit
(you don't have to subscribe to use the awesome site)

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